Ideas are flowing!

Wow, I did not realize how difficult this is going to be... The making of our movie will not be the hard part; that will be me and my group members thinking of a great film opening. 

First we stared to name our favorite movies and gp over those first two minutes. Movies listed were, The Dark Knight, Inception, Napoleon Dynamite, along with tons of others. We realize that we did not have the budget or skip set to re-create anything like those openings. So we all went to brainstorm.

My group member Austin had an idea to base our opening on a drug attic, he gave some background to his story, but in my opinion it was not a good idea at all. And then one of my other group members, Andres, built on his idea and made it even more confusing! UGH. There is no way we can make that idea interesting. I cannot even describe the idea here, I don't remember the specifics because I kept on having to argue with Andres and Austin. But it includes a man being kidnapped in the first  two minutes of the film, that does not work!!!

But then it hit me. We could do a horror movie! I gave my reasons to why to my group, which were: the target audience is our age group, it will not be insanely hard to make, and that a lot of the great horror movies come from independent film companies. So we sat there, and thought about ideas. 

I realized that this process will not be an easy one. We have to WORK TOGETHER and find an idea that we all like and can get behind. Follow me on my journey to make the best film opening ever! 


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