Music Makes Me Lose Control

Music/sound is one of the most important things a director needs to master to create a good film. Some directors do it much better than others. I'm going to show two examples, one good and one bad.

We will start with the bad news first... This two minute excerpt from "Batman V Superman Dawn of Justice", directed by Zack Snyder is an good example of awful sound mixing. The lack of sound until the end of the scene makes the beginning of the scene boring and almost comical, look at it for yourself here. The music does not show suspense or make the villain threatening, which probably was Snyder's intention.

Okay here is a better example, the film "Jaws" by Stephen Spielberg uses sound to build suspense. And it does so in a fantastic way. He uses a sting of a piano to provoke a sense of fear to his audience. 

Why is this important for a horror movie? Why am I showing you all these examples? Well sound is extremely important in a horror/thriller film. The best horror films have a sting or soundtrack that the audience will remember after leaving the theater. The best example is "Halloween"  this music comes on as he main villain comes into a scene. The audience expects him as soon as they hear the music. 


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