Im Back!

Today I went back to school, I don't feel great at all, but I went to fix some trade issues. Today in English class we had a substitute and we got done with our work vert early. It was prefect because Austin sits right next to me and we were able to develop our story.

We decided that our first shot will be a foreshadow, maybe we can do the last shot of the film first, if that makes sense. Pulp Fiction is a good example of this, watch it here. John Wick is another great example but I can't find the opening online.

Today we made a story board, a rough draft of one. When it is finished I will post it on my blog. But we did some light sketches of what we want our opening to be.

It starts with an establishing shot of the location of the kids death (yet to be decided where) but this will be our foreshadow to a later point in our film. Then from there we go to a close up of our man character "Cam" in a car looking depressed while his friends are listing to up beat music, they tell him to lighten up and that it has been 4 weeks since "Will" died. The next scene is when the friends reach there destination and they get out of the car and walk into Cam's house. The friends go to the kitchen, but Cam goes into his room. The lighting will be dark in his room as he picks up a picture frame of him and Will. He gets the picture frame and throws it against the wall and breaks down in tears. Scene ends.

I think it is a good plot, but it still needs some work. On Monday we will fix all the holes and do our research.


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